Miranda's family

Leonardo, Juliana, Nicholas, Nathalie, Stitch and Oreo site.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Nicholas and Nathalie arrived!!!

On July 18th, Nicholas and Nathalie were born. Nicholas was born first at 16:21 weighting 5.8 pounds and Nathalie at 16:23 weighting 5.02 pounds. They are as cute as they can be and they are making mommy and daddy radiant, exctremely happy!!!

Mommy and Daddy are doing well and they are completely in love with their children even though they are completely sleep deprived. They really don't care about their sleep deprivation, the arrival of Nicholas and Nathalie is a dream come true for them!!!

Mommy and Daddy don't have spare time anymore, so if they don't answer your calls or e-mails, they are really sorry and hope you understand!!!

Thank you for all your prayers!!!

Follow the link below to see some of the pictures of the day they were born!


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